Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The worthless slave

There are many slaves out there that consider themselves worthless

That they are a mere piece of meat, to be beaten and hung to dry on an empty space, lost to never be found

Nothing could be further from the truth

In my eyes all slaves have value

Even if you don't see it

Not everything you do in your life will be worth something

In fact that is probably the reason why you seek the no-return path

But some abilities that you possess can be used

They can be given direction, purpose

The most important of the all


With that in your hand, new paths can be formed and new skills can be learned to make you a valuable piece in your Master's eyes

It is your usefulness that makes you stay at His side.

It you were not worth something why would anyone want to take you, feed you and spend time with you

If you do not wish to live it, then all you have to do is continue doing what you do in your life

The life of a slave should be one of achievements and the fight to reach them

For your Master

The only worthless slave in my list is the one that, given the chance to become all that he desires, denies himself that path

Life is made of choices

Choose well

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