Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Writing on the wall

Gather around me

Oh mourners of dead cows

Embodiments of hellish air

And so many more

Hear the warning of this man

Old and antique by current standards

But still alive with open eyes

As you close yours amongst the flock

You brand yourself in ancient symbols

Worshiping gods long gone

From those that fight for victory

Or worship the sun, the earth or the sea

I do not mind that you do it

But that you do it without care

And lose yourself in the process

Exchanging life for little things

Life is made of time

And time wasted to make money

That you use to dress yourself

In so many pretty things

The sacrifice that you offer

To become what you are not

Is not wasted, be sure of that

As it is from belief that they live

You make magic from the words

That you use to brand yourself

A bike to become a biker

A pig, a dog and so many more

But that magic has a price

That is not to be discarded

It is not just what is on the tag

That you pay at the checkout

You lose yourself and your identity

Without even knowing why

That you cling yourself to that shape

Color, smell, texture or taste

The more you give, the more they live

Until they rule over your life

On temples of images and sounds

Made by their most faithful devotees

You may ride the wave like all the rest

But open your eyes as you do

As it can grow beyond control

And damn yourself for ever more

Live free or in chains

Who am I to disagree

I also chain body and soul

But only bind those that are free

Do you prefer to tie yourself

To someone live and with purpose

Or lose purpose on things to be

That is what I want to see

So don't play dumb as you have been warned

Of what will come to be

I am not here to make your choices

I am here to set you free

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