A blog dedicated to show different views surrounding the BDSM life, written by a Master and directed towards both slaves and masters.
Saturday, December 2, 2017
BDSM Mini-Lexicum
dominator - one that enjoys being in control, that enjoys having subservients around that are willing to comply every command that person gives.
submissive - one that enjoys obeying and losing control over oneself, using a means through which that control is lost.
bondage - the art of immobilization of the body through external means, tape, rope, chain, rubber, leather, or whatever other means to achieve that goal.
sadism - one who enjoys inflicting pain on another person.
masochism - one who enjoys the feeling of pain on his body, in a part of it or as a whole.
master - one who enjoys playing the role as dominator to someone who enjoys being submissive, using bondage, sadism or whatever other means to establish his position as such.
slave - one who is submissive to a specific person or group of persons for a determined period of time, establishing with them a relation of ownership and/or partnership, during which he accepts their commands given, either in the form of words or actions, allowing or not to be subject to bondage or the receiver of sadist acts as masochist, according to the rules established between all parties.
Master - one who is capable of imbuing change on a submissive to become a slave, that is, instilling the desire to belong, to be recognized as owned property, for the value that such a title would provide, by the creation of a bond that transcends friendship or love, pleasure and pain, and the possibility to live in a reality where such a bond can flourish, physically and/or mentally.
Monday, November 13, 2017
is not measured by the number of kilos you can lift
is not measured by the number of kilometers you can run
is not measured by the number the hours you do at the gym
is not measured by the number of bricks that you can break in a stroke
is not measured by the number of cocks you took
is not measured by the number of asses you fucked
is not measured by the number of masters you served
is not measured by the number of slaves you had
But by what it took for you to get there
by the number of trainings it took to achieve that mark
by the number of blister your foot gained
by the number of calluses you got in your hands
by the number of times you had to bandage your arms in pain
by the number of times you begged someone to fuck you
by the number of times you masturbated because you had none to take you
by the number of times you were rejected by those you wanted to serve
by the number of times you were despised as a no-one
Do not mistake the results with perseverance
As true strength is not gained in success
But in failing and continuing trying
And the commitment to not stop until you do
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Stuck in the middle
Once lost at sea, surrounded by mighty clouds of rain and thunder, the sun and the cool air breeze now passes over your face
A gentle touch after such a shocking moment, makes everything seem so unreal that it feels like it didn't happen, that it was all in your mind
As time passes the mind starts playing tricks, corrupting and diluting what was felt until all ends in a blur
Every climax leads to an anti-climax
A fight against change, a desire to return to the normal self
Even if you hate it
But it is comfortable to return, to return to be the piece in the clock that ticks at the same regular intervals as once before
It is what it should be, what must be
I harbor within me the desire to finish the training of the slaves I once initiated, specially the ones with whom I still maintain a connection, even if it is only through a fake connection in an on-line profile
It is not my call to make it into a real one, even if I may wish for it to happen
Choices have to be voluntary and even if you do want it, events may prevent you from doing so
Time moves swiftly
Days become months
Months become years
The distance between us grew beyond the point where it could restart from the point it was when my hand grabbed the chain you once wore, the one you have stuck up in a drawer or a shoe box, tucked somewhere out of sight
I still keep the key for the padlock that held that chain, the contract that you signed and the memories of events that happened between us
Freedom of choice made you come to me
And my gift to you was the freedom to forget me and what happened
To allow you to live out your life the way you decided
I may check up on you to see where you stand and the choices you made in between
I will not tell you to come even if we talk again
As it is your choice to do so if you wish
The only assurance I can offer you is that if you hold the chain I gave you, there is still a chance for you to return and continue
Events happen when it is the correct time to do so
I can wait
It is my privilege to be able to do so
The world will continue to move
New slaves will occupy the space you once were and the memory of them will be added next to yours as time moves for everyone
There is no shame in saying hi after so long or that you want to be under my rule
It can happen again or not, but unless you ask you will never know
It is by will alone that you set your mind in motion
And maybe I will be there once again
Saturday, September 9, 2017
The pain... The pain...
So many complain about it, so many run away from it
And some crave for it as if they need it to live
Before we go deeper in its exploration, let's start with the basics
What is pain
According to The International Association for the Study of Pain, "Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage"
When the body feels pain, it knows something is wrong and acts in some way to make it stop
But pain does not only come from external stimulus
Some pains exist in the mind as well as in the body, sometimes much more painful than the physical ones
As a baby, the first mechanism of defense is to cry, to let your progenitors know that something is not right
Unfortunately it is the only way to communicate so every problem, from discomfort, hunger or pain get the same response, making it very hard for parents to know what to do
That mechanism changes as we grow and we learn how to control ourselves
Some become able to control the effects of pain on their mind, from diminishing the effects to fully ignoring it
But the pain is still there, waiting for the open window to show its face
Becoming an adult comes in many societies after an initiation ceremony, where one has to show his ability to be in control and endure, to prove to all the rest that he is strong and by demonstrating so, that he will become a valuable asset to his community
In modern civilization, we have changed from the endurance to pain to just endurance and strength, through a series of sport trials or by the integration into the military or some force connected to it
By demonstrating our ability to withstand the difficulties at work for the long hours and menial tasks or the long workouts at the gym
Even if we change the method, the objective is still the same
To prove that you are strong
But as that replacement that seems like sugar, but tastes like nothing of the sort and just leaves us craving for the original, a part of our wiring desires to feel more
The softness of fabrics does not seem to fit the ruggedness of the original animal that we were, fighting for life, feeling our heart beating harder, the focus of the hunt and the satisfaction of a challenge achieved
Your conscious might say one thing but the subconscious asks for more
There was a German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, who wrote
Only great pain is the ultimate liberator of the spirit…. I doubt that such pain makes us ‘better’; but I know that it makes us more profound
Pain is neither good or bad
A beast capable of making us do things we could not imagine doing, showing us our abilities even if we doubt ourselves
You may try do deny it but it is still a part of us
Jailer, companion or friend
It is what we make of it
For the good or for the bad
But always there
I believe everyone has in the 21rst century has taken or been in a photo
For those with the happy trigger, specially for those armed with the selfish stick, you may have probably discovered that there is a specific side where you seem to look prettier than all the rest
A specific position of the face, torso, arms and legs where you seem more attractive
A special look that makes you shine
A specific perspective of you
Everyone has different sides to be looked on, appart from the physical
Some sides look pretty at first glance, while others do not
You are a person of different sides, and each side has something that makes it shine
The biggest difficulty is finding it
You may hate that side of you, or you may love it
But it is yours nevertheless
Have you ever been in a situation where you do something that you think is awful and not worth the time you are spending, but that someone else thinks it is awesome and praises you for that accomplishment
It is not only mirrors that can provide a different look on what you are
People can do that as well
The same happens with you being a slave
You may think you are worthless and only good enough to be used as a doormat
But there is something in you that catches my eye
That you accept to be made weak although being strong
That you deny yourself a personality to become what I want you to be
That you reject having a life just to be able to live in mine
That you are able to endure the pain, discomfort, torture and humiliation for my own satisfaction
Make me like that side of you
And make that side shine
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Locked in the circle of life, we are born, we age and we die
No one can escape that
The measurement of age is based in years, that is, the number of times that the earth has rotated around the sun, from a specific point in it's trajectory, until it resumes that relative point in space
If you measure that as the number of times the earth revolves around you, you are waaay too old to be reading, or even to be alive
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
May mother Earth accept in its bosom what the living cannot
Time can be divided into smaller portions, such as months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, to infinite fractions of the second
I suppose you don't know the milliseconds of your date of birth, do you
I don't know either... and I don't care
Time can be aggregated in bigger units, such as quarters of centuries, centuries, millennium and eons
But as some Albert once said, time is relative, based on our perception of it
Apart from the international measurement units there are also relative units of measurement, based on the average living standard for your country and the current time that you lived in and on the age you have, compared to the one you are measuring
For the caveman, being able to achieve 35 would be to be considered old as in the their twenties most would die from sickness, spoiled or poisonous food or the occasional encounter with a beast that would feast on their flesh
In a thousand years, if mankind still exists, we will probably be able to be achieve the millennium mark and the oldest living men that inhabits the Earth at this moment would be nothing more than a newborn to him
The birthday celebration of a millennial man would be a problem with the cake as it would be more candle than actual cake
As for your personal perception of time, it is not hard to grasp
As a rule of thumb, anyone with less than a quarter of your current age would be considered young and a quarter above would be considered old
I leave you with this small mathematical example (even if you failed elementary school you should be able to grasp this with a cheap pocket calculator or your dumbphone)
For someone with the current age of 12,
Young < 12 - 12 / 4
Old > 12 - 12 / 4
being young would fall under 9 and old above 15
For someone with the current age of 21,
Young < 21 - 21 / 4
Old > 21 + 21 / 4
being young would fall under 14 and old above 26
For someone with the current age of 40,
Young < 40 - 40 / 4
Old > 40 + 40 / 4
being young would fall under 30 and old above 50
For someone with the current age of 60,
Young < 60 - 60 / 4
Old > 60 + 60 / 4
being young would fall under 45 and old above 75
Based on these examples, for the juvenile out there searching for someone your age would mean searching within a 12 year age interval
As for someone like me would be within a 20 year interval
Considering the age at which gays begin to come out and the current average population age, my chances of finding someone if I used such criteria would mean a much better chance to find the one
But I don't use that rule, luckily for some, as my age range is much bigger than that
There are three criteria for calculating age:
- Legal - the number of years passed since the birth date inscribed on your identity card
- Physical - based on your bodily appearance where does it fit when compared to the general population
- Mental - based on the way that you act, talk and do when compared to the rest
The first age is binding, while the other two are subject to personal interpretation
As a curiosity, the age on my profile and blog is my real legal age (I update it every year)
At this current time (2017/08/09), doing a self examination, I would calculate on the three criteria as:
- Legal as 40 years old
- Physical as 30 years old (could easily pass as that age, shaven and with my hair dyed, if one day I decided to do that)
- Mental as at least 100 years old (I sometimes think I am too old for what I see around me)
Doing an average of the three criteria would put me at about 57 years
Using this same criteria with a case I got some time ago:
- Legal as 50
- Physical as 55 (looked older than he actually was)
- Mental as 14 (behaved as a kid)
That gives the average age of 40 years, which is what he had posted on his profile
So doing a correlation, I would say that this is the reason why there seems to be such an age difference between the profile and reality
That reason being a matter of different criteria... or as they say, lying with all the teeth of their mouth
Nevertheless regarding the age interval for the age of 56 the age range would be somewhere between 42 and 70... which incidentally is very close to those that I have been more attracted to in these past few years
But nothing is written in stone
Some stones hide brute diamonds waiting to be cut and shaped, while others just hide... some loose screws
Placing limits on those you seek is what it is
Placing limits
Limits exist to be tested and broken
And amongst those that make no sense to me are age, race and nationality
To deny yourself the chance to know someone based on only these three criteria seems unreasonable
After knowing you may say yes or no, but to shut yourself to the possibility will just be your loss
Everyone has something to offer that may or may not fit into what you want and need
Serious and experienced masters are usually older as experience comes with time and trial, which not always correlates to their legal age
Serious slaves come with a deep introspection as to why they want to be slaves and that can happen even at an early age
There are serious slaves and masters everywhere in the planet
All you have to do is look for them, make a choice and go for it if they fit what you seek
Based on my age, you are still young
But I will welcome your contact nevertheless
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
March to discord
I roam this earth for as long as you do
I was bred, born and nurtured by a kind mom as you did
I had teachers that taught me that the world was round, the name of cities, rivers and seas
I learned the stories of those that came before me, their ideals and hopes for those who would rise up to be the new men and women after them
I gained knowledge to earn a part in society with a specific trade to become useful
And I learned what is to be expected of me to fit into the frame of those that live in it
But I chose to be different
I looked into it all and found it too gray, too tasteless, too fake
I chose to break away from the format of the bread that comes from the oven
I chose to be me
I do not care you call me a faggot, a freak, or a pervert for doing what I like, with whom I like, whenever I feel like
I can see, not the shame in your face, but the envy for the way I chose to live, free from all that clutter you call a life
It is by my own choice that I dress to impress, that I dress to provoke, that I dress to arouse
And that is how you find me now, with your neurons trying to figure out how I stand as I do before you
My mouth tastes rancid as my tongue found an ass to lick
My butt cheeks further apart from the fist that was rammed into it with the product you use to spread on your morning bread
My boots filled with the piss from a pass over at a local toilet where your husband went
My pants dirty from both my own cum and from your upstairs neighbor, that godlike creature that you put so high above the rest
But the thought of what happened transcends what your wildest imagination can dream of
I may look corrupted beyond repair
But I feel happy and fulfilled
And that is why you call me deviant
I deviate from the norm that binds you, from the rules that surround you, that never have been written and never will be
But this world is big enough for us both
As long as you are there, there will be a reason for me to be what I am now
So go on on your morning walk, feed the dog and walk the children, or whatever you pretend to like doing
Feel free to walk away from me as you are doing right now, trying your best to put up a facade to hide what you truly think and feel
With that putrid smile you say good morning
And with my number one framed smile I say goodnight
I am off to find my bed
If no one sexy comes my way
Spanking and goodnight
I come near your bed not to gloat, humiliate or bruise what is already bruised
I come here to tell you a story, perhaps a bedtime story, or maybe not, but nevertheless something for you to take into your sleep, to think and reflect as your head floats in the clouds like a child
As someone once told me, what you say is true and it explains what happened but it does not justify why it happened
It is true that it may explain in detail the reasons that in the end led you to fail in fulfilling the command
Nevertheless failure deserves punishment as you forgot for whom you were supposed to accomplish it and the implications of your failure in my life, even if by a mere second
Know that your failure meant my loss, both as your Master and Owner as well as your Teacher
As your Master you failed a direct command given by me and agreed by you as you said "yes Master"
As your Owner as you behaved as a brat, thinking your actions have no effects in anyone's life
As your Teacher as the effort spent in educating you for you to become what you are now seems to have been misplaced, to say the least
Never forget
you are Mine
you are not the stray dog that I picked up from the street, roaming the bins looking for food, pissing on corners and sleeping on the cold floor
you have been shaved, pruned and groomed into what you are now and my collar hangs around your neck for all to see
you are not sleeping somewhere, but in a place next to me, sharing the same roof as I
you eat from My food and have been nurtured from the knowledge that I shared
And you accepted this by your own free will, knowing that everything would have consequences, both the good and the bad
It is true my hand flashes in your ass
It is true that I made you cry
It is true that you did the best that you could
But you failed me nevertheless
As you think about what you did
Remember that even if the beating was hard, you still sleep on the same place next to me
Remember that you will have the chance to prove yourself to my expectations and be rewarded by your successes
It was not some other's hands that touched your flesh but Mine
It was not to a stranger that you screamed and begged for forgiveness, but to Me
And it will still be Me the one that teaches you how to be able to achieve the goals I have set for you and I am sure you are able to do, even if you doubt in yourself and in your own abilities
you can do better
I believe in you
Sleep tight
Monday, August 7, 2017
Directions and misdirections
you ask for my cock but you show me yours
what am I going to do with it...
you ask for an experienced master
but you know so little...
you ask to be undressed and taken
but you dress so tight...
you ask to be taken and raped
but you seek to be loved...
you ask to be a slave
but demand control...
you want to be fucked like a whore
but your ass is tight as a worm's hole...
you ask for a greek god to take you
but you are small and frail...
you ask for pictures of this world and the next
but you show nothing of you...
you demand I read your text
but there are no words written that truly matter...
you want something so big
but your mind is so small...
break yourself from your own set rules
and enjoy what comes your way
close your eyes and let go
when you have someone that catches you
if you fall and hurt yourself
someone will come to pick you up
and if not
you will rise and walk again
because that is as life works
in its own mysterious ways
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Writing on the wall
Gather around me
Oh mourners of dead cows
Embodiments of hellish air
And so many more
Hear the warning of this man
Old and antique by current standards
But still alive with open eyes
As you close yours amongst the flock
You brand yourself in ancient symbols
Worshiping gods long gone
From those that fight for victory
Or worship the sun, the earth or the sea
I do not mind that you do it
But that you do it without care
And lose yourself in the process
Exchanging life for little things
Life is made of time
And time wasted to make money
That you use to dress yourself
In so many pretty things
The sacrifice that you offer
To become what you are not
Is not wasted, be sure of that
As it is from belief that they live
You make magic from the words
That you use to brand yourself
A bike to become a biker
A pig, a dog and so many more
But that magic has a price
That is not to be discarded
It is not just what is on the tag
That you pay at the checkout
You lose yourself and your identity
Without even knowing why
That you cling yourself to that shape
Color, smell, texture or taste
The more you give, the more they live
Until they rule over your life
On temples of images and sounds
Made by their most faithful devotees
You may ride the wave like all the rest
But open your eyes as you do
As it can grow beyond control
And damn yourself for ever more
Live free or in chains
Who am I to disagree
I also chain body and soul
But only bind those that are free
Do you prefer to tie yourself
To someone live and with purpose
Or lose purpose on things to be
That is what I want to see
So don't play dumb as you have been warned
Of what will come to be
I am not here to make your choices
I am here to set you free
Fashion and fetish
Some time ago I made this article for a Portuguese magazine where I was asked to write about bdsm to the general public
Some adjustments were made in terms of the translation to fit this audience and complement it a bit
And now, a bit of history
The term fetish was born for the word "feitiço" (witchcraft in English)
It is something that binds and dazzles the human mind, thanks to the supernatural powers that it holds
There are those who are immune to its charms, but no one is indifferent to the impact they have over those that submit to them
The power that fetish holds over people is diverse and relative, that go from despise and complete ignorance up to the full dependency on it
One of the biggest engines of fetish is fashion, that dream making machine that works transforming images, colors and bodies into something that appeals to the buying of items that have little practical usage for our day-to-day life
The term fashion can be applied to many things, such as clothing, shoes, make-up, furniture, amongst so many things, being divided by styles and epochs by many historians
It can be used in the most generic sense as the description of the pattern that gave it origin ("it is fashion to hear hats") as the prevalent pattern in a given moment in time ("it is the fashion")
Fashion and fetish have always been connected, being one the most presentable and socially accepted face of the other
Only when the object becomes something connected to sexuality does it stop being in society's good graces and becomes a perversion
I give out a simple example that will make it easy to connect both terms
Let us imagine a pair of red shoes
They are born from the imagination of a stylist from Prada
They are drawn red, with round lines and high heel as high as possibly usable by a human being
They are not drawn for it's practicality on the work environment, but as an object that belong in this season's catalog, for one specific theme
Within this theme, a scenery is made where this object is presented
A model and personality selected that fit in the mind of the stylist that thought of it
And the parade begins
Hundreds of flashes and cameras light up the set
Scene, model and shoes become one and the dream is born
A woman sees them on a magazine cover
She sees the ensemble and imagines the moment recorded in the photo
Walking through the sterile passerelle, watched by a million eyes
Many people would be afraid of that moment, of facing the world capable of undressing them with a single look
But the one playing the part stands firm on her own two feet, projecting confidence, along with the idea that was on the mind of the one that drew it, presented on the empty canvas, as requested
A woman in control, indifferent to those who look at her and desired because of it
A connection is made between the woman that parades and the woman that sees the photo as the desire to become one is planted in fertile land
And for that to happen a dress is needed or, if little money is left to buy it, then at least a pair of shoes
She knows that the shoes are expensive and out of reach of all the rest
Nevertheless if she saves enough over a couple of months they can be hers and that ethereal connection to the picture will be a physical one with the possession of the object
With the correct amount of money in her matching bag, she heads off to the boutique
Sitting on a velvet chair, she awaits for her desire to brought
A man leans down, holding a small paper box
From within, softly wrapped in silky paper comes a pair of red shoes
She feels the subtle smell emanating from the set and in that moment she knows they will be hers
Two hands place the shoe on her feet and the extasy of that relationship hits her mind
She raises herself and walks on them
Her walk changed as she placed them on as the posture of her entire body had to adapt for her to be able to wear it
A veil was placed with a pair of shoes
The dream became reality
Many eyes will lower themselves to admire her shoes and they will identify them as present in the same photo that she saw
The desire that those strange eyes set on the photo will now stumble upon her every time she wears them
That power of attraction is hers now
Up to this point we are within what the world of fashion offers
The dark side begins when that same image is taken to the other extreme
The same velvet chair, but a naked body sits on in
An equally naked man puts that same shoe on her feet, sexually aroused as he does it
She knows the power those shoes hold over that who submits
And power given by him to the shoes are now for her use and abuse
And that means that he is hers now
He will do anything she wants in exchange for her to become the user of the shoes of his fantasy
And she enjoys feeling that power
The power to put men under her feet...
Everyone of us ends up, one way or another, to give power to objects and create our own fetishes, being those sexual or not
That pair of sneakers used to beat the track record
The gold wire with the coin for luck
The special pen to write the contract of a lifetime.
There are those who don't enjoy this kind of pagan practice that people exhibit
Nevertheless, we all need something to hold on to in our moment of need or something to motivate us in playing a specific part, born from something we saw or experienced in our past that has marked us permanently
In this world full of rights and wrongs, we should have the freedom to be what we want
If you like to wear red high heel shoes, to dress up in leather pants, to wear a chain on your neck or a cowboy hat in your head it does not matter, as long as that object does not stand in the way of what you want to do
But always remember the distinction between living and living dependent of something
To do sex with a cowboy hat may be fun as a gimmick, but to only do it with the cowboy hat can limit you in more ways than you can imagine
To be free means to have options, so don't limit yourself
Because the most important thing is to live
And be happy
Monday, July 24, 2017
A visit to the doctor
I have an itch that I cannot scratch
That keeps me awake throughout the night
If I try to get it out
It hides too deep for me to find
Perhaps by candle light with my hands bound in prayer ?
I searched heaven and earth for an answer
Books and scriptures of all religions known
But their words could not even give me comfort
Left with this ailment to face alone
Or so I thought
An obscure doctor told me a way
Unorthodox, but trialed and tested
By many that came before
On the road that I have to follow
The medicine has been prescribed
Bare flesh needs to be exposed
To probe and test where it may hide
Perseverance may be needed
But my sickness has a cure
Or at least hope
All I require is skin and to be bold
So I have to strip myself of all I hold
And prepare myself to do what I am told
As the body needs to feel its touch
And it begins
Skin against skin
Arms stretched and hands closed
Ass straight up and back exposed
The wind whistles in the air
Am I too weak for this to bear ?
Strange words come out of my mouth
Some full sentences or merely sound
But they all have a deeper meaning
Not for you but for me
And what is left you may ask
White becomes red
Pristine becomes tainted
Illusions touch reality
Harsh and strong
But always true
The will to fight goes away
As rain clouds my tired eyes
And I feel a child again
Helpless and unprotected
But safely secured by a strong embrace
I let go of everything
And peace returns to my aching heart
As the itch is now gone
Nowhere to be found
The work is done
I thank the good doctor for this gift
The remedy bitter and hard to swallow
That marked my body and left me hollow
But one I needed most of all
And my cure you may ask
He said a chain on my neck could do it
With a strong hand to pull it
But for now this will suffice
Or maybe it shouldn't
I await for next itch
What, why, where, how
Over the many years that I have been a Master, I have traveled through the minds of many slaves
Probing, exploring and experimenting
The first thing that I learned is that this game is not a "one size fits all", or even a "one size fits most"
Every slave is different and what makes one tick, will make another freeze or run away
As such you have probably noticed if you read the blog up to this post, there are variations in the way themes are presented, ranging from the softest kink to the extreme bdsm
You may ask where do I stand in this
I could tell you that I stay in the middle, but I have to say that I have gone through the full range within the limits I have set
My motivation is the challenge that you may offer me in turning you into what I want as a slave, more than just a score board of "done this, done that"
If I still played that way, I would have already quit this Game, as my board has no more items to add
There is a saying that says that if you only have a hammer, every problem is a nail
Luckily my repertoire is bigger than "just a hammer" in my way of submitting you
But what should be used to bend you into submission, you may ask
If I can bend you with a feather, I will use it
If I can use a rope for that purpose, I will use it
If I have to rip the clothes off your body and use my full strength to pin you to the cold floor to make you obey me, I will do it
It comes from experience to know how much is enough
What can work without going beyond what you can take
Sometimes it may seem too soft
But if your knees still shake and your mind still works in overdrive exploring every emotion that flowed
Then my goal was achieved
This game is not about returning home bruised and battered, the number of times you were fucked or the amount of pain you were able to withstand
It is about the way you let yourself go in my hands, the way you are able to extract yourself from your surroundings to focus on me and on my satisfaction
Only then will you be able to feel pleasure from playing it
A slave exists to serve
And everything you feel should be for that purpose
Expose yourself as far as you are able to take it and I will be pleased by your service
Be that to a feather tickling your feet, a drop of wax sliding through your ribs, a jolt of electricity in your balls or my cock fucking your ass
It does not matter
As long as you take it for me
So come with the will to be changed and I will change you
And give purpose to what you want to feel
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Rocking the cage
While some slaves desire the longing of ownership and the peacefulness that comes from a set of chains and orders to follow, others long for the hardness of the cold floor, the set of ropes scrapping and bruising the flesh, the feeling of the sweat rolling from head to toe, in a situation where there are no safe words
All that remains is endurance until the end, when it comes
For those that seek the hottest of fires, that burn the feet of those who walk on it, I leave a very special contract, only given under special request
Letter of Challenge
I, (masochist), offer myself, shackled and chained, in both body and mind, to be used and abused to my Master's delight
I seek nothing for me, except the pleasure of service and the pain, torture and humiliation under your rule
From my mouth will only come compliance to your order or sounds of the pain I feel under your punishment
I discard all comforts
Food, sleep, clothing will come when you feel I deserve it
I am happy for drinking my Master's sweat, filling my mouth with my Master's cock, sleeping at your feet like the dog I am and wearing your chains over my naked body on the cold floor
If I am cold, I will accept your whip to warm my flesh
If I am hot, I will accept the bathing you give me
My rest will come either in the cage where I belong or next to my Master's body when my mind has been broken and I have no more covers under which to hide myself
I relinquish my rights in exchange for the sweat, screams, cries and tears that you will extract from me
All that I can ask is that I can return in one piece, with no permanent damage or disease
If broken, I am yours forever
The slave
you are furry, I can scrape you smooth
you are weak, I can make you strong
you are strong, I can make you weak
you are fat, I can make you thin
you are thin, I can make you fat
you don't know, I can teach you
you don't know yourself, I can teach you
you don't know me, I can teach you
and make you grow with that knowledge
in due time
but whatever change may come, I will not change what came before
I will only change what comes after
your past made what you are now
and made you come to accept the choice I present
if I erase it from your mind
where is the smile that you will show, with nothing to compare from before
your past is what makes you precious
if it is lost, you will no longer be you
just a mindless beast, guided by pain and pleasure
with no understanding of why it became that way
hiding deep within the desire to escape
only to one day find that what you are running from
is in fact what it always longed to have
so keep that mind of yours in one piece
in there exists a place for me to stay
to caress, poke and tease your thoughts in your moments of rest
to show you why you long for my chain on your neck
Friday, January 13, 2017
Living by expectations
The pretty pictures on a profile can capture my attention but from there there is a long way to go before you enter my place of training
There are traits that I try to find in the slaves I train, which choice come from small details in the conversations we have and that I find a requirement for the success of any slave training
Being polite
While slaves can be animals, they can speak and write as ordinary humans
Nevertheless, until you enter my house my expectation is that you are properly educated and that you can be presented to someone and not make me ashamed by your conduct
If you cannot demonstrate this basic thing in a conversation, little hope is there for any progress as a slave, besides a closed box in the dark forever
Without even a word being spoken, just looking at a slave's pictures and seeing the age reported is enough to set the precedent that you are comfortable with lying to get what you want
I assume we are all adults with full knowledge of what we do
There is space for everyone in this game, so there is no need for that
Lying to me or to yourself is just setting up a barrier that will not allow you to take the most of what happens between us
Be upfront and truthful in the way you present yourself and the way you speak, if you expect others to do the same for you
Being thankful for the chance of conversation and training
Everybody has limited time to search for what they seek, so it is important to make the most of it
Everyone that you talk to and meet at each stage that you pass by requires your effort and of the ones you are involved with
Don't belittle that and treat the connections you are making with the importance they deserve
Use that time to build something that lasts so both efforts are not wasted
Clear mind of what you seek
What do you really seek, you may ask
That is not an easy answer and sometimes one that you may probably not even know
The news flash I have for you is that I do not know the answer either
Even when I see the words on a profile "I want to be a slave" or "I am a slave", I will still ask you the same question
Are you looking for slave training
Being a slave is something much deeper than just a label to wear on your collar, or a tattoo on the body
You may repeat it a thousand times to yourself, but that does not make it true
My path as a Master is providing the experiences for you to discover what means for you to be a slave
That it is an individualized view grown from all the experiences you have to this moment in time
It is within my reach to show you the full range, from the most basic of plays to the most profound and life changing experiences you will ever have
But it will depend on the stage you are and the ability you have to assimilate it
Besides that it has a price you may not be willing to pay
Nothing is free, but it is a trade
I exchange my experiences for your commitment to what you say you want to be
If you are able to perform to my expectations there will be more
If not, you may find a closed door on my side
Don't offer yourself to something you cannot cope or are not willing to perform
Discover what you want, try and learn what you like and don't like, step by step, slowly and in confidence
Request advice and explain your experiences to prepare the stage you will enter, one that you are ready to take and explore to the best of your abilities
If you want to try, you may say that you are still taking your first steps and things may fail
Setting the expectations is the best way to live it
So when I say I do slave training, accept it as what it is
A chance for you to be a slave, in my own way, under my own terms, taking into account your limitations, knowing your fears and desires as a tool to shape you into what I see you can become
For that to happen, I will need all the information you can provide in a concise and focused way
Don't be shy and open yourself to me
I can be the guide to the path you want do take
Removing per-conceived notions
Slaves have different stages and different experiences in their life as a slave
Some of those experiences will be repeated as you try out different masters along your way
I have seen many slaves whose sole objective is a scoreboard: the number of masters he's been with, the number of lashes he can take, the size of the dildo he was able to put in and so on
BDSM is a full course meal
It has starters, first plate, main course and desert in the end
Being full comes from satisfying both palate and stomach, with each plate fulfilling a specific role on the body
If you focus on only one plate, filling it to the top, you will be full but it will not satisfy you completely
Appreciate the before, the action and the after
There is effort placed in it all by the masters you serve, with each focusing differently in each stage and in a different fashion
Forget what you have done in the past and try everything like it is your first time
You may easily discover that you like it better my way
Letting go
The most difficult thing to achieve
Everyone has the need to have a purpose in their life
I will add one a small rewrite in that sentence
Having a purpose
Having one purpose
It is an almost imperceivable detail, but changes everything
Having a purpose means that you have a chance to try, fail and try again, switching from one direction to another, as long as you have somewhere to direct yourself to
Having one purpose means that there is no direction to choose
Whatever you select, the choice will be either to win or to lose it all
A once in a lifetime opportunity to be with the most perfect match to what you seek will be forever gone
Think of this and reflect before you set yourself in any play
This is your moment, your chance to taste, your chance to feel, your chance to succeed
Open all your senses and absorb each detail of what happens, so you can make the correct choice in the correct moment and raise the interest of the one who may take you
The only way for that to happen is to leave all your luggage at the door, both of your body and mind, trust in the choice you made and accept all that comes with it
If you need to hold on to something then choose this
This is my choice and He is the Master I have chosen
Accepting that you will change
You may think that you will return unharmed, but every BDSM session you do has a profound effect on you.
The more experienced a master is the more he will affect you in ways that you cannot predict
Don't fight it
It should be that way
I have to remember you that I am not offering a ghost ride at the fair where you buy a ticket and leave with a few laughs
I have had slaves crying from pain and even without pain from the overwhelming emotions running through them
Some events will brand your mind like they were hot irons
Fixing those kinds of markings is tough, if not impossible
With such high stakes, do not take this with a light hearted approach
Be an adult
My game is not a joke
I am a serious player and I expect you to be the same
High stakes means responsibility
But the prize is high, if you accomplish what you came for
Your greatest wish can be granted without any lucky ticket, without paying one cent, without depending on anyone for a chance to enter my training
It is up to you and only to prove your worth
Push your toys and diapers away and show me a grownup capable of making choices by himself and that can stick to them no matter what hardships appear
You will be evaluated for every word and every action, from the first moment of contact
Prove me that I can count on you from this point forward until the end of the contract you sign
Saturday, January 7, 2017
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